6th – 8th Grade Teacher

Jim McCoy
My name is Jim McCoy,
I was blessed to have a mother who loved us and loved God. My earliest memories are of sitting in her lap as she read from a book of Bible stories. In those moments, she was laying a foundation that future teachers and pastors would continue to build upon.

In grade school, I became best friends with the son of the preacher at a local Baptist church. Pastor Dooley was a fantastic preacher who was not afraid to speak about hell and eternal damnation. After one particularly powerful message, I spoke with my mother, who led me to Christ that night. The following Sunday, I went forward to make a public profession of faith, and two weeks later, I was baptized.

In 2006, I was teaching the adult Sunday School class when my wife volunteered to serve in the Wednesday night children’s ministry. As with many children’s ministries, there was always a need for extra help. In 2007, I began assisting children with memorizing scripture verses, which eventually led to me leading the Bible study time for the group.

Through this journey, I have come to strongly believe that a church is only as strong as its children’s ministry. If we desire the church to grow and thrive, it must start by investing in our youth.
Proverbs 22:6 reminds us: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse continues to fuel my passion for ministry, reinforcing my belief that nurturing young hearts in faith is one of the most important missions of the church.