They Chose Swine Over the Saviour
And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts. Matthew 8:34
The Lord Jesus had just confronted two men that were possessed by demons. They were out of control, living in the cemetery and nobody would go near them. They may have had parents, siblings, spouses or children that loved them but could not go near them. Now, Jesus has delivered them. They are free from the power of Satan. They may live normal lives now. Grace came and new life is the result. There should be praise to God! There should be joy that One more powerful than the devil is now with them, but NO!
The whole city comes out and asks the Lord to leave. Why? What is going on here? It is obvious they had a greater interest in the pigs than the people! They were more concerned about filthy lucre than human lives! They had money, not the Master on their minds. Those swine represented cash. Those men, though demon possessed, were not hindering their cash. Now that the demons had left the men and entered the swine, they lost their revenue. You know you are choosing swine over the Savior when money is more important than human souls!
When Essau sold his birthright for a bowl of chili,
he was choosing swine over the Saviour! When King Saul allowed the green eye of envy to move him to murder David, he was choosing swine over the Saviour!
Anytime your pride becomes more important than the will of God you are choosing swine over the Saviour!
When Pharoah refused to let Israel go, he was choosing swine over the Saviour! When Balaam compromised with the Midianites to snare the Israelites, he was choosing swine over the Saviour!
When Judas took thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus, he was choosing swine over the Saviour!
When you choose bitterness over forgiveness you are choosing swine over the Saviour! Any time you choose your flesh over the Spirits leadership, you are choosing swine over the Saviour!
It’s easy to criticize these men but have you been guilty of the same thing?